Raising Children in “This” America

This has been a confusing and painful time, an enraging and hurtful time. The constant images, videos and commentary have left my heart heavy and keeping it light just doesn’t make sense. Conversations surrounding race are often times difficult and uncomfortable, but necessary.


Beyond myself, I think about my daughter growing up in such a volatile social state. The injustice and inequality is glaring and even if you believe you are not directly affected, you are. As a parent these times have revealed how important it is for us to have these difficult conversations with our kids to prepare them and in hopes they can bridge the gap that seems to continuously divide us. But how? I question how I, myself will address these issues with her. How will I explain these injustices? What will I say to mend her confusion when she asks questions about race and inequality ? And how do I inform and educate her without stealing her innocence? These are the thoughts I’m battling with currently and she’s only 18 months. These are the thoughts that lead to wet eyes and a heavy heart at night. I pray for our world today, but more so for our children’s world to come. 


In an attempt not to confuse our children further with all that is going on, how are you addressing the state of our nation as parent ? Are you censoring the images they can so easily access with social media and the internet as a means to protect them ?


These are difficult times. So tonight and each night let’s hold our littles a bit closer and hug them a little tighter. 

As always- 

Love ya Mean it,
