Baby Skin and My Secret Weapon

Not to toot her horn, but my baby’s skin is beautiful! Soft, smooth and sultry.

Like many parents I love to bite into her little rolls and rub her smooth brown skin. When they’re really tiny you don’t want anything to harm their soft and gentle little bodies, so we run to these expensive lotions that we think are natural to care for our babies’ skin. We want to find the most natural products that won’t harm their gentle skin, right? Well, I found it! My play mom gave me the secret long before I had Kinsley and I knew once I had kids it would be my go-to. And it is. SO, what is it already?

Vaseline! Good ole greasy ass Vaseline! We have been using this on our Kinsley’s skin and scalp since the beginning and it has resulted in her beautiful skinny skin skin. We have never used anything else! No other lotions or oils.

Night time routine after bath

Night time routine after bath

Kinsley at 9 months Vaselined up for bed

Kinsley at 9 months Vaselined up for bed

Now before you run to the dollar store and grab that petroleum jelly, you need to get VASELINE. The actual brand Vaseline, with the blue cap, free of all those extra ingredients and without smell. Your baby will be a little grease pot, but you won’t find a better, longer lasting moisturizer that is safe, durable, cheap and natural. That Vaseline is going to sit on top of the skin honey and can be used on the face, scalp and all over the body. And don’t be shy, get in that tube and get you a nice chunk to apply.

5 months Kinsley with a light Vaseline coat at daycare

5 months Kinsley with a light Vaseline coat at daycare

Today, I will be sharing with you my top 5 favorite uses for good ole VASELINE.  

1.   Pregnancy Skin

Once I hit the 3rd trimester, my belly began to itch, sometimes unbearably. I would slap some Vaseline on my belly and stop thinking about it and POOF, relief.

2. Scalp

Once that disgusting cradle cap made its exit and Kinsleys hair began to grow back, we used and still use Vaseline on her scalp to keep it moisturized.  

3. Face

Kinsley knows the deal, after bath time and in the morning after we have washed her face she will reach for the Vaseline to apply to her face herself. 

Kinsley and her DIY Vaseline application

Kinsley and her DIY Vaseline application

4. Body

We apply Vaseline to her whole body including her diaper area. I think this is a secret weapon and I attribute frequent diaper changing and having a moisturized toosh as to why Kinsley has never had a diaper rash.

9 months of melanin magic

9 months of melanin magic

5. Boogers

Need to get a booger out your baby’s nose? Your finger is obviously too big right? Slap some Vaseline on a q-tip and gently circle it in there, bet you it grabs that sucker right out for you.

What are you using on your babies skin? I’d love to know what works for you. Comment below.

Love ya Mean it,



