Le' SnapBack


Almost as a soon as a woman shares she’s pregnant, starts the conversation around her “snapback”. “Ooo girl yo snapback is gonna be on point”. “Oh girl you gon’ snapback in no time”. “That baby gon be good to you, don’t worry”. While I appreciate the comments of “you don’t even look like you had a baby” what does that even mean? Did I not get the curves you wanted the baby to gift to me? Or am I just hiding it well?

As a forever athlete, being active has been a part of my life since I was 5. I have worked out regularly to maintain my health, in a family with history of high blood pressure and diabetes, and it also is my therapy and self-care. While pregnant, not much changed. I worked out 3-4 days a week to the end. Whether it was long walks with my husband after work, the gym or the pool, I made sure to stay active in hopes for an easy labor- which lucky me, I had :).

For me the weight comments began while pregnant, but were meant to be harmless. Folks are quick to tell you if you look too big or too small while pregnant, you’re eating too much, but make sure you eat enough for the baby. Well, I gained 42 beautiful pounds in the process and went from 150 to 192 pounds soaking wet on delivery day. Going in to delivery, I didn’t feel too big, I definitely didn’t feel small, but I also indulged unapologetically throughout the pregnancy.

Now enter the 4th trimester and baby’s here, you still look pregnant, the hormones are raging harder than before, emotions are all over, you’re exhausted and you want me to be worried about a snap back?! Nah sis. I’m just trying not to snap!

This snapback culture, let me just be frank, is tomfoolery. I have seen countless 3 days, 1 week, 10 days after birth pics of "celebs" with flat tummies and I remember looking down like nah lol (pic to the left is me 10 days after giving birth). It has put an unfair pressure on mommies who should be focused on taking care of themselves and their littles to look good for whom? Maybe it’s our own faults or maybe it’s the brainwashing of media/social media. We attach ourselves to our favorite celebs and experience their life with them through our tiny glimpse into their lives. We see them get pregnant, have the baby, shed the pounds and go on living fabulously. But guess what? Those same images create unrealistic expectations and time frames for our bodies. I mean girlfriend you just pushed out a whole human! Said favorite celeb has more resources, hired help and frankly maybe even work deadlines that may speed up their desire to shed their baby weight. While inspiring on screen, when put in the actual situation of post-partum life, these same images we “liked” in the past can be disheartening and damn right falsified. No shade to anyone who gets surgical corrections after childbirth, because, do you ma, but that’s not an option or reality for most of us.

The reality is we are all not training for Beychella Homecoming after childbirth, so who is this snap back really for and why the rush? I am all for living your best life and feeling good in the skin you're in as long as it's for you! After having babygirl, I chose to sit down. Again, do what works for you, this is my blog, my story lol. I chose to let my bones mend, joints settle back in and really let my body heal. I eased back into my active lifestyle when I felt ready and more like myself again with a somewhat steady routine with baby. Everyone focuses on the birth story and gearing up for the birth, but honestly the afterbirth experience is a lot to deal with plus caring for a newborn whether you had a c-section or vaginal birth. It is my opinion to ease back into things and that’s what I did.

What did you do? What do you think about "snapping back"? Did you have a time frame?

Tell me. Tell me.

Love ya, Mean it,
