Trinidad Carnival, a place etched in my heart.  When carnival season comes around, I have one word, pace! It’s all about pace! And coming back this time with new responsibilities I definitely had to pace thine self!

Carnival season in Trinidad begins right after Christmas and ends Fat Tuesday/Carnival Tuesday/the day before Ash Wednesday. I have been going with my sister and girlfriends since 2013. A lot has changed since then and so has the way “I Carnival”.  Continue reading to see what has changed as I head back to Trinidad Carnival, this time as a mommy. 

What is carnival? Well, it’s the greatest show on earth! It is a nonstop party from the time you touch down! My friends and I are veterans of sort and have been able to navigate carnival season each year with the help of my UBER ORGANIZED sister. She is our master planner and makes for a worry-free time once we reach! Just look at this itinerary. (Intricate details have been removed for our protection and privacy)

Feb 19 Wed                                                        Feb 25 Tuesday
**Flight Arrival- 24 hour driver pick-up                Makeup- 2:20a–4:20a Jouvert and ambush collections                          **730am -Carnival Tuesday **Flight Arrival                                                   

Feb 20 Thurs                                                       Feb 26 Wed 
**5am -AM beach                                                **Departure
**Flight Arrivals                                                   **2pm Splash Fete
pick up ladies from AM beach                                                         
**5pm Soaka / Tribe collections 

Feb 21 Fri                                                             Feb 27 Thurs
**Flight arrival                                                      **Departures
**4am-noon Sunnation Breakfast Party
Jouvert, Ambush collection

Feb 22 Sat
**Flight Arrival
**2am--8am Ambush 
*12noon-6pm  Soca Brainwash

Feb 23 Sun
**4a-8a Soaka
**10am-3pm candy coated cruise 
**4-9pm Beach House

Feb 24 Mon
**3a-7a Jouvert
**Carnival Monday

Carnival is a stress-free zone. You leave your worries and cares behind to enjoy the hot sun, rum and sweet sounds of soca. We hit the ground running and usually do between 8-10 parties in 6 days. This is the first time I will be attending Trinidad Carnival as a mom and in preparing for this epic time I noticed few things changed for me. Y’all know I love a list. See them below :)

SLEEP- Ha! what sleep? You don’t come to carnival to sleep, but being away from responsibilities and dependents it sounds quite enticing to spend a full day stretched out in an empty bed and SLEEP.

FETES- In the same breath, during the carnival planning process I kept saying that’s it, we’re only doing 8 fetes lol. Just call me party mommy lol. Remember the keyword-pace. Here’s an example of what a fete includes to shed a bit more light on the importance of pace.

  • Beautiful outdoor venues with live performances and international DJs

  • Premium food and drinks- ALL INCLUSIVE

  • Unforgettable vibes

TIME- In prior years I had all the time in the world to shop leisurely for my fete (that means party) outfits. I could leave at the drop of a dime on a Saturday or Sunday and par ooze for cute fits and try on at my own pace. Now with baby this takes a bit more planning, time and patience, thus I took my talents to online shopping. 

SHOPPING- Now Carnival is not a place for modesty, but I noticed I second guessed a lot of the items I would have considered before. This is interesting to me since I didn’t feel that way after getting married. I still wanted to be the snatched cute ass wife, but being a mommy I would think “ooo I can’t wear that”. And then I remembered how my costume looks lol.

THE COSTUME- This leads me into picking a costume. Carnival launch occurs the summer before Carnival usually in July. Due to so much lead time and knowing I had more than half a year to get it together, I eagerly picked a front line (that means the more elaborate costumes that lead the band) costume to feel like my old self again. My costume was definitely my motivation to not necessarily look like my pre baby body, but to more importantly feel as sexy or more than I did pre baby.


CONFIDENCE- We all have our insecurities and dancing around for miles in your costume doesn’t magically make those go away. However, the confidence of a West Indian woman is unmatched and at carnival we take it to another level. This is the confidence I wanted to find again being in my costume after having a baby.


PREPARATION- Meal prep and working out is always a big piece of Carnival for me and my team. We usually try getting our bodies together around or after the holidays and get serious for these costumes. This was a bit harder this year because meal prep takes time, time that is usually dedicated to my family. Mind you they’re not eating these meals so it’s not like I was doing meal prep for the whole family. Additionally, my gym time is now 4:30am, giving me enough time to get my workout in before hubby and baby wake up, get myself dressed and fed before getting baby girl ready for daycare. On days where I missed that beloved 4:30 am alarm, the afterwork workout not only cut into family time, but also is hard to get to after a long day of work!


CELEBRATE- HA I just wanted to clap for myself right quick. I could not do 1 sit up in the picture on the left, NOT ONE! The woman’s body truly is amazing- that’s all…

FRIENDS AND FAMILY - my friends and family have never been so excited about me going somewhere. It’s like when someone roots for an athlete after an injury. It’s my come back lol 

SHOES- Every year I thoroughly enjoy decorating my carnival shoes for Monday and Tuesday. I go all out with the spray paint, gemstones, hot glue gun and glitter. This year I didn’t have the energy to dedicate time to this beloved activity. I was also worried about the hot glue gun and loose gemstones getting into the hands of Ms. Bell. So stay tuned for a plain boot this year :/

HUSBAND- One of the only constants in my preparation for carnival this year has been hubby. Husband has been around since my love of carnival began. I remember going the first year while we were dating and fast forward to now he has stayed consistent in encouraging me to get in shape in preparation for the big fete, has listened while I streamed costume launch on our anniversary trips and even indulged me and went with me in 2018. Can I tell you if you can fete with your spouse that’s another level of love! We had so much fun and it was actually my favorite year to date. Side note: Carnival is in February and Kinsley was born in November. You do the math. A great time was had by all :) 


Carnival as a mom and as a wife, there is a feeling of “getting your groove back”, but in the most beautiful way. It’s a moment in time to step out of the everyday routine of life, work and our responsibilites. For this carnival I plan to celebrate myself, my strength, the life I’ve brought into this world and the break from that life I have earned and deserve- to party with my girls, wave my rag and fete til the sun comes up and goes back down! SO I’d say don’t let being a new mom, seasoned mom, single mom stop you from enjoying the greatest show on earth. My favorite Tuesday- Carnival Tuesday.

Looking back to my first year and impression of carnival, I remember feeling such pride in seeing so many people from all around the world, come together to celebrate their culture, their bodies, their triumphs under the sounds of sweet sweet soca in T&T. Seeing the flags from around the world pumped in the air in celebration of life and love in togetherness is an unforgettable experience and I hope each and every one of you can experience that freedom at least once in your life. 

As a mom and as a woman getting made up from head to toe in expensive garb and seeing women celebrate without worry of judgement or ridicule is freeing and an unforgettable experience.

BRAAAAAAAAAAP see you on the ROAD!



What are your thoughts?

Would you do carnival or not your scene?

Love you, Mean it,
