20 for 2020

I usually start the year off with resolutions or intentions to give my year some direction. I am a firm believer in the “vision board”, writing your goals down and creating inspiration around you on a daily, but I wasn’t quite ready January 1st, 2nd, or 13th. Last year I failed at completing my vision board and I felt I finished the year feeling the same… incomplete.

My dad told me a long time ago to always be your biggest critic, but also your biggest cheerleader. I am really working on the latter. I want to have it all and balance it all and 2019 was a big teacher that I can’t- AND THAT’S OK. I want to recolor the definition of what it means to be Natty and learning I can’t be everything to everyone is the first lesson (yes husband I’ve been listening to you 😊).

In 2020 I have decided to give myself GRACE! Some days I will be an amazing, wife, mother, daughter, friend and coworker. Other days I won’t and I am working on learning to balance this imperfection. Hopefully all parties involved will also show grace on those days lol!

So after a month of reconnecting and reflecting here are my 20 for 2020…

1. Be present and show gratitude for how blessed I am in so many categories- family, friends, career, health.

2. Don’t let lack of money be a limitation.

3. Continue to explore ways to enhance my goals and interests.

4. Let go of self-doubt.

5. Make more time for myself/my own interests.

6. Less time mindlessly scrolling on social media.

7. Read more.

8. Continue to dream BIG, plan, aspire, DO- write down what you want to attract in your life.

9. See more of the world with my family.

10. Carry cash.

11. Get rid of something when you buy something.

12. Spend time with only people I want to be around.

13. Continue to say no.

14. Protect my energy at all costs.

15. Begin Spanish lessons.

16. Spend more quality time with my husband.

17. Don’t sit in uncertainty if something doesn’t feel right – remove yourself!

18. Surround yourself with things that make you happy- people, places and things.

19. Carry less debt.