Kinsley Lately : 22 Months


Sis is almost 2! Can we believe it?!

The last update I did on Kinsley was at 20 months (here), and believe or not in just two short months soooo much has changed. This could be due in part to us moving to Aruba for a short while lol, but nonetheless the girl is growing too fast.


Bedtime is still 8:30pm and she wakes up daily between 7:30-8:30am.

While we were away, Kinsley went with the flow and slept in! We were all on island time!


Sis is little a little grown lady. She is very independent and will kindly tell you no if she wants to do something on her own. I have noticed more so lately she is very determined to do everything herself, from putting on her socks and shoes to brushing her teeth, it’s “mommy, let me, let me.”


Still not a picky eater and I’m hoping that continues. It has really made life much easier as we can just give her whatever we are eating.

We noticed she is becoming a bit of a sloppy eater, so we are working on using our utensils instead of our hands for everything. She is also drinking from an open cup very well.



Sis is a talker, but only amongst family. She is a chatterbox at home and as soon as she gets to school or in front of people who haven’t been around in a while (everyone nowadays) she’s very quiet until she warms up. She is beginning to put sentences together and it’s literally the cutest thing. It also is quite the challenge sometimes to decipher what she is trying to say in her baby lingo. I am able to “translate” most days, but sometimes I’m like come again please dear lol.

Her favorite shows are still Sesame Street, Blues Clues, the newly added Cocomelon and I would be remiss to not mention Moana. We have watched it maybe 100 times.  

She loves to color and sometimes gets carried away and starts coloring on the walls and my sofa! Woooosaaaaa, pray for me.

We are still having fun with flashcards and her God Mommy got her a learning activity book where she loves to match the colors, animals and shapes. Although she is able to say and identify the shapes and animals, she hasn’t yet gotten her colors down.

We are still potty training...


Restaurant Chair- Now that restaurants have started reopening here in California we can use our own restaurant chair and don’t have to worry about the cleanliness of a high chair.

Large Plates- Kinsley is eating more and so it was time for some larger plates. I love that these still have the suction and they’re super easy to wash.

Full Bib- Now that we have a more independent eater, I have found these longer bibs more effective, not to mention her favorite little red monster, Elmo is on there.

New Stroller- We recently got the BABYZEN YOYO2 stroller and are in love with the light weight and durability. See my full review here.


Doing her hair in the morning. Most people think I’m crazy to do a toddler’s hair every day, but I really enjoy our little time together. I get to love on her and brush her little tresses as she enjoys her breakfast and Blues Clues. It’s our carved-out time together until it’s time to go to daycare.

Her Walk- Miss thang’s little walk is hilarious. I love seeing her little switch come around the corner. She walks with such intent as if she is on a mission.

Going to Daycare.  I love watching Kinsley grab her backpack for school in the morning and excitingly run out of the house to head to daycare. I hope she maintains this enjoyment of learning.

Watching Her- I catch myself and my husband staring at Kinsley in amazement at the little person we created. She’s fully of personality and it is truly a joy and a pleasure to watch it all unfold.

Her Love of the Water- We were suppose to start Kinlsey in swim lessons in April, but Corona Renee had other plans. While in Aruba, though, she fell in love with the water. She was fearless and couldn’t wait to go to the pool or “ the sand” every day. I’m so happy she’s not afraid.

Kinsley is really a good time and I enjoy hanging out with her lol. Is that weird? Anyway my little girl will be 2 in 2 short months. I can’t get over that. She might as well be going off to college. OK that was dramatic, but the time really does fly!

How’s it going with your kids? I mean school is back in session, so that’s a lot for most. I’m grateful to have such a young child during this time that doesn’t require a lot right now.

Let’s talk about it!

Love Ya, Mean It,


22monthsNateanah AlburyComment