Tis' the season to be overbooked BUT not stressed!


As I ranted about last week… I’m behind and QUICK UPDATE… I’m still behind, but this is just the whirlwind that is the holidays. I just take on more than I can handle every year with all the activities and expectations of the season. But I take it as a personal challenge, checking things left and right off the never ending agenda. Finding the time to do everything on my list has been most challenging. Managing a busy work schedule, running a household and making it to all my social activities has been a workout lol. The traffic is stupid, the parking is nonexistent, but this is December. The holidays bring]\ holly and jolly, but also stress and sis we ain’t got time for that! This post is mainly for my ladies because whether we know it or not, studies have shown the stress level during the holidays hits us the hardest. We have a harder time relaxing as we are usually the ones to prepare the meals for the season and do the shopping/wrapping etc. and in turn we overeat and overdrink!

So here are my 6 tips on combating holiday stress!

1. Just Say No Girl- I’m really talking to myself and my husband would love that I’m writing this in print for the world to see. Just say no- you don’t have to go to everything. Say it again with me y'all- you don’t have to go to everything. Self-care- you first!

2. Don’t Go Broke Giving Gifts- Make a list of who you need to shop for, your budget for each person and use one of these wonderful cash back engines, like Rakuten. Might as well earn a little cash back while you spend.

3. Family Stressers- family gatherings can be a lot. There can be judgement and pressure from outside sources or self-inflicted. We’ve all seen the holiday movie where sis hires a boyfriend to impress the family over Christmas break. No need! Who cares?! If the family function is causing you anxiety opt-out, be sick, CANCEL! If you absolutely must go just steer clear from your triggers. Hopefully the whole family isn’t a trigger.

4. Reflect- for many of us who have lost loved ones, the holidays can be especially challenging. Remembering the real reason for the season can be a sweet memory and what better way to honor a loved one who has passed on then cherishing time with the ones you still have.

5. Food- indulge... It’s the holidays eat the cake, have the champagne and join the gym in the New Year :)

6. Figure out what the holidays mean to you- everyone has different definitions and expectations for the holiday season. Try not to allow others to project their feelings both negative and positive on how you should feel/celebrate the holidays.


Alternative gift giving ideas. Gift an experience. Give your friends and family something to look forward to.

Some alternate ideas to gift are-

o Parents- Starbucks

o Sister- spa certificate

o Brother- auto detailing gift card

o Husband- whiskey tasting gift card

o Wife- a solo night away = uninterrupted sleep

o Babies - diaper subscription, kids gym passes

o Friend who just had a baby- offer to babysit and mean it.

Above all else, remember to take care of yourself, avoid burnout by saying no! Self- care is nonnegotiable this holiday season. Let’s go into this new decade and New Year relaxed, refreshed and renewed!


Love ya, Mean it,
