The Nonstop Mom-a-Thon

First of all, let me preface by saying, I hope you all are staying safe and keeping your sanity! At this point, California is requiring all non-essential employees to work from home, all schools are closed for the school year and it’s a full house over here. People keep saying this is the new normal, but this isn’t normal. Folks have been laid off, businesses have been forced to close their doors and all of a sudden, for the working parent, we are now full-time teachers and employees.

For me, on most days I wake up not knowing what day it is and that feels more like vacation brain than quarantine life. This by far is no vacation, but I am actually enjoying the extra time spent at home and amongst my family. The majority of us are not use to quadruple-tasking work, home life, kids and everything in between. Our typical routines have been disrupted and now is the time to come together more than ever, of course keeping our distance, and offer up some tips and tricks while quarantined. I have chosen to see the light in all of this and cherish more time spent with family, finish and begin some long-awaited projects and catch up on the 50 movies and tv shows in my DVR.

I realize the blessing it is to have family so close and I do not take that for granted as this time can be very isolating. I am also fortunate enough to still have the ability to work from home and recognize that many are not given that capability during this crisis. Remember a few weeks ago, I bragged about utilizing your village (here), well for most, if you don’t live in the same household, that village now feels a world away. I really didn’t want to write about makeup tutorials to go nowhere or cute outfits to wear at home, because all of that is relative or not lol. I do however want to try and be helpful if at all possible, during a time that seems like it’s getting worse long before it gets better. Life won’t be perfect during this time, but we will make do with a little flexibility, creativity and grace. So, here is my spin on this new 24/7 togetherness and how to survive it all.



1.Give Yourself Grace

Our employers expect us to work. Our children's schools expect us to teach. And our children expect us to entertain them. This is a lot and we aren't perfect, so give yourself grace as you try your stab at this 25/8 mom-a-thon.

2. Create a New Routine

Gone are the days you have to rush to wake up, get the kids dressed, fed and out the door to school/daycare and yourself to work. But, there is also more expected of us now with having to care for the babies, be school teachers and full time employees so it’s time to make a new routine. A new routine may allow you to sleep in an hour longer, make an actual breakfast, or wake up and workout before the kids or maybe that’s my dream lol. For most, I think the feeling of being at home equates to not being productive. That doesn’t have to be the case.

Kids thrive on routine, so get the school aged kids up and ready for their remote day of school and following their lesson plans. The teachers can’t expect perfection here as most households are juggling this task with work, so do your best. For the babies, in my opinion, its best to work around their schedule, i.e. nap time, play time and snack/lunchtime.

3.Take breaks

Working from home provides another level of availability to your colleagues, bosses and clients. Make boundaries and stick to them. Take breaks and make adjustments to your work schedule in order to watch your children. Be open and honest with your boss if you can and maybe they can be flexible.

4. Do something normal and get back to your routine.

A daily routine will help curve some of the anxiety of being inside all the time as well as keep everyone occupied. Doing something normal such as getting a Starbucks coffee or exercising before or after work can help normalize during this time.

5.Make a few work rules

My home and at work dynamic are very different. The primary difference is the noise level. My family are loud talkers, like to dance and sing their way upstairs and that is just not conducive to being on a conference or zoom call with colleagues, clients and my superiors. So get creative and utilize the little sign language we know to prevent interruptions.

Splitting up responsibilities may also help here as well. Right now my husband is helping my 11 year old nephew with his school work while I work and handle the baby. When he gets on a conference call we switch. It works most days, but some days are trying!

6. Remain patient

During this time there are unavoidable interruptions and background noise such as the neighborhood barking dog, your 2 year old who starts crying as soon as you unmute your zoom call, or your 5th grader yelling they need help from the other room on his/her Algebra. Everyone is going through this and we all need to just remain patient.

7. Lastly, drink some wine lol- Self-explanatory



This is a trying time, but we will make it through. Until next time, which Quarantine Queen are you?

The Lauren’s: always in the know, tech-savvy working mother who has been following the pandemic since they first heard about it during their morning commute. She has been telling all her girlfriends to get ready. In the meantime she has contingency plans for childcare, is overstocked on toilet paper, has a freezer full of meat and a pantry full of pasta.

The Tiffany’s: stay-at-home mom with multiple children. She is chilling at home after giving each room a Fabuloso treatment, because rona ain’t welcome up in here. She is on her way to Costco (with a face mask and gloves) for wipes and toilet paper.

The Veronica’s: just realized she’s about to be cramped up in the house with her mother, three kids, and husband for who knows how long. She is now on her way to the store for wine.

The Nicki’s: vlogger and blogger who prides herself on all things organic, non-toxic and natural. She just finished burning sage throughout the house and is googling which non-essential oils can be used to fight rona.

The Adrienne’s: has firmly placed herself in the “f**k it” zone. She does not give a shit about the threat of covid-19 and will continue on with life as if everything were normal. She will be the mom willing to host play dates during quarantine and will definitely have wine to share when you run out.

We are going to get through this and be back outside soon enough.

Love ya Mean it,
