
Don’t tell a mother she looks tired; she already knows that . Tell her she’s doing a great job; she might not know that.


New to the world of motherhood, exhausted, sleep deprived and stressed were the words used over and over to describe my new role. After giving birth and experiencing life as a new mama, I realized all those words were true, but even in the midst of sleep deprivation, I still had a healthy and happy baby. So I took back the power in those words and decided to create my own cape. Originally, with just myself in mind, I wanted to find a mommy shirt that embodied how I felt as a mom; up on game, hustling for my family and trying to look cute while doing it. In brainstorming I realized, what do I do every day at 110%? Mommy. Thus the birth of the verb, Mommyin’. Whether on a full or empty tank of gas, I get down to this Mommyin’ thing and have a lot of fun doing it. I accredit most of that to my awesome daughter Miss Kinsley. I fail some days and others I go to work, workout, cook dinner and ready bedtime stories. I wear my badge as Kinsley’s mommy with pride, and so should you.

What better way to celebrate and honor the mother’s in our lives than with our Mommyin’ statement tee. Defined and redefined by the mother you have in mind. Whether she’s in her rookie year or a seasoned veteran with grandchildren, let’s celebrate the power and beauty in all that we do as mothers on a daily, Mommyin’.

Click here to get yours today.


You know what they say…




That’s mommyin’

Love ya, Mean it,
