Take Me Back Tuesday: 8 Things We Learned in Year One

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First of all, WHERE'S MY BABY?! Kinsley will be ONE years old on Sunday and the time zoomed by! Not flew by sis, zoomed! I still can't even believe that they just let us take the baby and leave the hospital. I remember thinking, so we just leave ???? Like, we just get in the car and go? We just...figure it out?!!!

Yup! That's what you do and that's what we did. We have had so much fun with our little in year one. She has brought so much joy and light to our lives and she's hella funny. She's our little globe trotter and it has been a true honor.

Getting to know her over these past 12 months, although a pleasure, we had some lessons along the way. I'd like to share them in hopes of sparing you some time, gaining you some sleep, and just because I'm a vet now lol- one year in the game . I tag teamed with hubs on this post, so here are our top 8 tips for year one/new parents.


1. Ask for help! Utilize the village!!!

- It took me a couple months to learn the word HELP. Sleep deprivation attributed to a very groggy Natty. Once hubs returned to work, it was just me and Kinz. One day my mom came downstairs and said, " Nats do you want me to hold her so you can sleep?" I almost screamed YES. Accepting the help was the first step. For some reason the vulnerability of asking/accepting help to me meant I couldn't do it all. I probably could, but why when I have help?! That became our morning routine and it was the beginning of a new beginning. I had more energy to be a better mommy and was able to create a daily functional routine. But what took me so long?! Thinking back, I didn't even ask, moms offered the help lol.

- There will be a lot of times you will need help and we have been fortunate to have family and friends just waiting in line to watch Kinsley.

-So go on that Target run without baby, date night, girls night, guys night ... whatever, just go cus' you need the break.

side note: KUDOS to the single parents figuring it out on your own! My hat is off to you- take a BOW!

2. Trust Yourself/ Be Your Biggest Cheerleader

-Nobody knows your baby like you, so trust your instincts and protect your relationship. They can't vouch for themselves so speak up.

- Acknowledge your accomplishments... you sleep trained your baby? taught him/her to high five? ... celebrate yourself right quick !

3. Don't be so Hard on Yourself

-Whether your 1st or 5th child, you are doing the best you can so pat yourself on the back and stop criticizing.

- It's ok to be vulnerable. This is a new human being and you're both getting to know each other.

- You don't know it all and LIFE is the best teacher.

4. Don't Compare Your Baby

- Unless you or your doctor suspect an actual delay or medical issue, don't rush your baby. They will develop at their own pace. You'll be begging them to walk because so and so's baby took their first step at 7 months. Then you'll be begging them to sat down! So enjoy the ride because before you know it they'll be out of the house.

5. Put the World on Mute

-Tune out unwanted/unsolicited advice... there will be a lot of it during pregnancy and after!

-Everyone has an opinion, but you know what's best for your baby.

Ex: If you know your baby is still exclusively drinking breast milk don't let a family member or friend give them table food. Just because that's what they did for their baby- this is your baby, your journey!

6. Read Your Partner

-Know when your partner is on "E" and help out however you can. This is particularly true in the earliest days when baby really relies solely on mommy. Daddies get in their and do a night feed with the bottle, be on night duty for diapers or whatever works. Whatever your arrangement, if dad stays home with baby, mommy when you get home you're on. Tag team...

-Know when you both need to step away and recharge... Did someone say date night?!

-Happy parents= happy baby.

7. Develop a schedule.

-Babies thrive on routine. We are those parents that if we are out and it's getting close to Kinsley's bed time, we are leaving with enough time to get home bathe her and get that night routine in before bedtime. It has worked for us and makes for a more predictable baby. We know what she wants and when.

8. Patience, Patience, Patience

-Your life has changed, you're sleep deprived, learning your new role and your baby, give yourself a break and be patient. You'll get it. And once you do, something will change lol.

What have you learned along the way? I'd love to hear about your journey!


Love ya, Mean it,
