No Pool, No Problem


As if we have not had to be creative enough, keeping our littles occupied and happy during this time at home, here comes one more task of summer fun. Covid has shifted all our summer plans, and more importantly cancelled my baby’s summer in the water. We had planned for Kinsley to begin swimming lessons in April at our local aqua center. She is truly a little water baby and loves her “wa wa”, so we have improvised!

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it has helped us to live in the moment, improvise and enjoy what we already have. It has also reminded me of the amazing childhood I had and that didn’t include an iPhone, tablet, or pool at my house. Although it may take a little more energy, energy I don’t have might I add, recreating some nostalgic moments from my childhood really has been fun!With the help of some fun sprinklers, water balloons and an inflatable pool we have brought WaterWorld to the front lawn and baby girl is loving it !

With the help of some fun sprinklers, water balloons and an inflatable pool we have brought WaterWorld to the front lawn and baby girl is loving it !


What are you doing for the kiddos this summer?

Love ya, Mean it,

