New Year, New Vision

Happy New Year! 

2020 is over, thank God!

The heavily anticipated and much needed new year is finally here and like most years it time to kick it off with a resolution or two.

With every new year come the obligatory New Years resolutions. But this year hits different. We all desperately wanted to leave 2020 behind us for so many painful reasons. Along with the pain, for me 2020 was eye opening. It was a year of so much growth personally, spiritually and professionally. I really took a leap of faith during a time of so much uncertainty. The painful reality of the pandemic was a slap in the face and caused me to readjust what I was holding most important. The order of my life was so backwards and the shelter in place caused me to step back and revaluate my values. So here we are, finally in what the gram is referring to as “twenty twenty won”, a time in which we all want to live better, be healthier and cut out bad habits. The new year is the universal time for everyone to press reset. It is a time to set new intentions with a fresh and positive mindset.
Over the years I have made resolutions in a variety of ways and in an effort to help you set realistic and attainable goals for 2021 I’m going to walk you through my process and what has worked for me in the past. 

Vision board 


Each year in January I sit down and loosely plan out what I envision my year to look like. It is as if God said, Nateanah what do you want from this year? And then I write it all out ! For me the first step is to come up with a word for the year that sets the tone on how I want to experience the next 365 days. I find a lot of value in this because it’s an easy reminder to focus or refocus at any part of the year as time goes on and life gets busy. Through purposeful vision boards, goal setting and even journaling  it has always been my hope to plant seeds, set intentional goals and talk to my future self trusting that the universe will recognize and honor my manifestations. 

I’m a firm believer that in order to attract what you truly want you must see it, feel it, and then do it because remember the vision board alone won’t cut it.

So how do you make a vision board?

  • Define your goals and be sure to make them attainable.

  • Find the inspiration in magazines, books or online.

  • Map out your board and glue it on.

  • Bring your vision board to life!

Side note: I have found that in years I did not find the time to envision my year those years were chaotic and all over the place!

So I get a bunch of magazines and I scour through them finding pictures, words and images that embody what and how I want my year to look. 


The center of my board always reads my word for the year. It is my statement of commitment to myself.

A few of my favorites from past years 

2011- preparation

2014- perseverance

2018- green 

For 2021 my words of the year are manifestation and consistency. I couldn’t choose between the two and I feel as though they are deeply intertwined. 

I want to walk confidently into the blessings manifested for me.

Consistently provide value to my Mommyin’ club.

And twirl into the overflow that is sure to come. 

Secondly is an intention list.

Intention List 

Take out a piece of paper and freely write down every goal that comes to mind when you think of how you want the new year to look. It can be words, phrases or full sentences. Revisit your list monthly, quarterly or semi-annually to check in with how you are doing.

Daily Journaling 

Setting daily goals for success for some is a sure way to ensure you see victories early and often. By breaking out your larger goals into daily goals you are able to check some items off and see and feel the progress you’re making. 

Resetting with the new year may seem mundane and pointless to some, but I have experienced the power of preparation and manifestation.

Lastly, remember to have some grace with yourself when planning your intentions for the new year and let me know what are you doing to start off your year on the right foot ?

Love ya, Mean it
