My Favorite Holiday Traditions

One of my favorite parts of the holidays and why I get so excited about Christmas time are, family traditions. Plainly stated, I’m a sucker and always have been for family traditions and since starting and expanding my own family, I have taken particular interest in preserving and creating our own traditions. I thought it would be cute to unpack my top 10 favorite family holiday traditions.

Here we go:

  1. Matching pajamas- I mean obligatory at this point. 

  2. Christmas tree shopping- I love heading out to find and pick out a nice and fat Douglass fur. 

  3. Decorating the tree- Such a perfect time to do nothing but enjoy each other’s company, listen to R&B holiday tunes and sip on a Christmas cocktail (mocktail this year). I’m not a perfectionist on color scheme or where the ornaments are placed. I just love looking around and seeing three generations ( my mom, Kinsley and myself) having fun prepping the tree. 

  4. Kinsley wrapping paper - I started this when Kinsley was born and my family love it. They have also now come to expect it lol.

  5. Family pictures- So much changes in a year so i love stopping to capture our family around the holidays.

  6. Holiday cards -i think people still appreciate an old fashioned holiday card in the mail. I know I do!

  7. Christmas Eve gift exchange - Gary and I started this one when we were dating and he was too impatient to wait until Christmas morning.

  8. Gumbo! It’s a staple during the holidays for our family, although it’s getting harder and harder to find crab this time of year.

  9. Christmas Movies- There’s something about a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie that will do nothing but put you in a giving and loving Christmas mood. Particularly, I have to watch Preachers Wife, Elf and Best Man Holiday or it’s not even Christmas. 

  10. Traditional Jamaican food- No diet during Christmas! Think curry goat , ackee and saltfish, sorrel and rum cake.

So there you have it. My ten favorite holiday traditions. It will be fun to add more as the years go by and the kids get older. 

What are some of your favorite traditions ? Let’s talk about it. 

Love ya Mean it 


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