6 Ways to Start the New Year Off Right

New Year , New Me right? Well, most of the time not so much.

New Years resolutions have become a thing of the past, most times not even lasting the whole month of January!

To help combat this vicious cycle of sticking to a resolution that wont even see February 1st, I’ve come up with 6 ways to get your new year started on the right foot.


    • your house

    • your finances

    • your purse

    • your trunk

    • your thoughts

  • GET QUIET & MAP OUT YOUR DREAMS- there’s a lot of noise out there and comparison is ultimate dream killer.

    • Take some time to dig into yourself and write down what you want for/from yourself this year.

  • PRIORITIZE YOUR GOALS- It can be overwhelming to think that on January 1st everything will be magically better. Nope not the case. Setting goals and prioritizing them can make those goals less daunting and more attainable.

    • For me they are

      • figure out what’s needed for baby #2

      • pay off debt by April

      • monetize my social media platforms

      • get licensed at work


    • However this looks for you.


    • Even if you are not a morning person, starting your day off right sets the tone for the whole day.


    • The last two years have shown us the importance of our health - physical, mental and emotional

    • Do what needs to be done.

I hope this has been helpful to someone. The New Year is a chance to reset and restart, but it can also be overwhelming and filled with pressure.

Let me know how you go about setting the tone for your year.

Love ya, Mean it,


Nateanah AlburyComment