You started a blog, so what?

Let me tell you something... this blog was started for my 20 week pregnant self. I was entering my 2nd trimester, Instagram didn't know yet, and my husband and I waited and had only told a handful of close family and friends. Sooooo, all this pregnantness wasn't really feeling real yet, ya know lol. I was not quite looking or feeling all that pregnant. Those early feeling awful days were behind me, my energy was back, but I had things I needed to know.


I had all these questions and needed a central place for answers. I spent hours scouring the internet, bugging my network of doctor friends and family, asking my husband annoying question after question and honestly just obsessing on how I would be as a new mommy and who and how my baby would be. I know I am not alone in with these feelings, so here I am to help put some of those feelings to ease, relate with my fellow mommy's, learn from your stories, laugh along the way and hopefully gain some inspiration as well. Indulge with me as I share how Millennial Mommy w/ Melanin was birthed.

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Just turned 30 and I coined 2018 as my "Unicorn Year"...

There I was, living for a living- brunchin, sleeping in, day partying, jet setting with hubs, then boom, we're PREGNANT- now what!?

Gary’s face is priceless, but there’s a story behind that.

Gary’s face is priceless, but there’s a story behind that.

I can tell you first-hand, the culture-shock of entering the parenting world, and how much you need to know – NOW!

As a mommy-to be, I had a million questions and needed them answered quickly and my, my, my had things changed since my mom had me 3 decades ago. I would ask her something and just by her mere facial response I would quickly say, never mind lol. Everything was different, everything had changed.

So I did what any millennial would do and I went to the internet, duh. I searched and searched for answers, recommendations and sage advice, but the majority of bloggers, vloggers, and writers, I noticed didn’t look like me. I was looking for my online best friend in my head to answer all my questions and even the ones I didn’t know to ask. The lack of minority faces in media, parenting magazines, baby commercials, mommy meet-ups, and maternity advertisements was glaring, but not surprising. I started asking, WHERE WE AT SIS!?

I noticed a void in content for myself and my peers. Cue in this space for the Millennial Mommy with Melanin. A space where we can meet, learn, celebrate our beautiful brown babies and actively engage with one another.

From matching family pjs at Christmas, the obligatory photo shoots at every milestone and the over the top birthday celebrations to everything in between, we are the only ones who truly understand each other. MMWM’s are savvy, well informed on current events and the latest tea on Cardi B all the while looking good doing it- most of the time. Whether a stay at home or working mommy, one thing we all have in common is our love for our little bebe's because after all they’re watching our lead.

Whether accompanied by your bebe's daddy shark or doing things on your own this is a place where we will discover together the joys of mommyin’ with melanin, share advice, give product reviews and collectively reclaim our time as the DOPE moms we strive to be.

As an underrepresented community in social media we can collectively support each other on this adventure called motherhood, cus let’s face it we parent differently.

Love you, Mean it,
