DIY Valentine's - Target Edition

So it’s started. Valentine’s Day grams are a thing even at daycare!

When I think of Valentine’s Day I think love, romance, and flowers, lots and lots of flowers. While we think of this as an adults holiday I would be totally remiss to ignore all those years of exchanging Valentine’s grams in grade school. I absolutely remember getting my first valentine in fourth grade. And let me tell u as the new girl at a new school that meant a lot. Not only did I get a Valentine’s Day gift, it was the biggest one out of all my classmates too :). I then remember it becoming more inclusive in fifth grade because you couldn’t just give one person a Valentine’s Day gram. If you were going to give one you had to give everyone. I guess the importance has trickled down all the way to daycare because Kinsley was sent home with a list of all the kids names for the Valentine’s Day party this coming Friday. 

As a means to keep you abreast of the goings on over in my household, I have put together a Target edition of daycare Valentine’s Day grams. 

Here we go. Sorry to say this is mommy/parent intensive. To keep her involved Kinsley picked out the Valentine’s grams and the treats, but dassit lol.



I hope this helps makes your Valentine’s gifts for the kiddos easier. It’s only going to get more intense as the years go on lol

Love ya Mean it,
