5 Time Management Tips for Every Mom


Everything is all in one place and I can’t get away lol.

Work family and school are STILL all jumbled together and mama needs some help. If that’s you too I feel you and in an effort to assist with taking just a little stress out of your life and create more time for yourself, family and fun I’ve come up with these 5 tips for time management for every mom.

1.     Build a Routine

When you aim for nothing you will hit it every time! Going through your days aimlessly without any structure or schedule was fine when it was just you, but now you’re somebody’s mama and if you want to get things done you’re going to need to have a semblance of a routine. You will be surprised how many extra minutes of productivity you can squeeze into your day with just a little more structure.

2.     Prioritize

Every mom has endless responsibilities and an ever-growing to-do list, but not everything needs your immediate attention. Take a step back and look at what’s on your list and prioritize in order of importance. What needs to be done today and what can wait until tomorrow? This will not only make you feel better about getting the “big things” done, but often you will have left over time to do the smaller mundane tasks.  

3.     Take advantage of nap-time or school hours

This is your time to shine baby! Whether you’re a stay at home more or working from home, which is all of us right now, this is your chance to do it big. Win back time for yourself and get things done that are much harder with a baby, toddler or child on your heels.

4. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

Delegate everything! Housework, work work everything. Ask for help and accept it. Period!

5 . Focus in Sis

You’ve made the checklist, you’ve gotten organized, the baby is down, and now you need todo what needs to be done. It’s so easy to get sidetracked and then BOOM we’ve missed our window to really get things done. So focus in when it’s game time.

No one is perfect when it comes to managing time as a mom, but I hope these tips help! If you have any that you swear by, please share in the comments!

Love ya Mean it,
