My Morning Routine


This past week I posted a pic of all the things I had gotten done before 10am and the most shocking for people was my 5:30am wakeup time lol. That was followed by a slew of questions about what time I go to bed. It’s a hard 10pm for me. Ask my husband. After 10pm my eyes are drooping and I’m fighting to keep my eyes open. That also has nothing to do with being a wife or mom it’s just been my bedtime for forever. I literally went to bed in college at 10pm.

Any way in order to juggle all my roles as a wife, mom, entrepreneur, and full-time employee I have to start my day early, otherwise there’s just no way. While my working mom morning routine varies a bit from day to day, it is essential in helping me get things done.

Just like an early workout, getting things done at the top of the morning sets the tone for the day.  You get things done early and checked off your list, starting your day with a positive. It is also the ONLY time where the whole house is quiet because everyone is asleep. This allows me time to focus on me, have quiet, and prioritize the important things that need to get done that day. And on the days I choose to sleep in, I plainly notice the difference in my productivity and I feel rushed and stressed, thus making the extra sleep null and void.

So what do I do that early?

I start the morning with my morning skincare routine. That usually wakes me up and gives me an extra glow.

Self Care Workbook/Journal

Next I make some hot tea and write in my journal or self care workbook. These are both new additions to my routine as my therapist recommended the journaling and my best friend gifted me the self care workbook. I have found taking this time to pause makes me feel grounded and fuels me with positive energy to start the day.

Get to Business

As I mentioned above this is my only fully free and quiet time, so I have to maximize. During these golden hours, I check emails, work on blog posts and create content for my socials. I also take this time to do some graphic designing for my email marketing and website. When I feel like I am at a good place I check in on IG with my good morning post before the crazy starts.


Now that the gyms are starting to open back up, I go and do a private class with my trainer two days out of the week. That alarm goes off at 4:45am, poor Gary lol. I really love this because I start the day in beast mode! Her workouts are no joke and I feel so accomplished knowing that’s done and out of the way. At 6:45am I already know that I have done something for myself that day. I also walk into a quiet house and I love that feeling as well.


Depending on how much I have gotten done, if I have time to start breakfast I will before my daughter wakes up. Once she’s up, she’s up so this part is very strategic. Lately, I have been trying to get better at having breakfast ready so we can spend more time when I am getting her ready for daycare.

Once dressed we come downstairs and its hair time. She sits in her chair eats her breakfast and I do her hair while she watches Bubble Guppies.

As she’s heading out the door it’s time for my morning meeting and then I am in full work mode.

I am really grateful for the time I have carved out for myself as I am not only able to get so much done, but I also wake up and feel very at peace with the time I get to spend with myself. One day when we get my dream wrap around porch, I hope to start my days out on the porch with my tea, deep in my thoughts getting things done.

So how do you start your day?

Are you an early riser or are you mortified by the thought?

Love ya, Mean it-
