First Trip to the Dentist


I have never too much cared either way about going to the dentist growing up. To me it was just part of my health care check-ups, but once having a kid of my own, I realized trips to the dentist can be scary. With all the equipment, loud noises and now add in extra PPE attire, it can be a lot to convince a child everything will be ok.

Kinsley was a very gummy baby. By the time most of her teeth cut through, she was 22 months. Once they finally came through, I was excited for her first dental visit, but that excitement ended quickly because sis cut up at them people office lol. She was not a fan at first because of the new environment and I highly attribute it to all the extra protective gear they had on because of COVID. Nonetheless, the dental hygienist was super sweet and made her a blow up balloon out of her glove, helped us practice brushing and assured Kinsley she would get a toy at the end. This helped ease some nerves.

All in all her first trip to the dentist was informative and assured us that we have been doing a good job with her little teeth.

Here’s what we learned:

  • Brush your child’s teeth lying down not standing up like we do as adults. It allows your child to get comfortable with their dental visits going forward and it ensures you get any build up in the back molars.

  • Proper care at home is crucial. Set your child up with great dental hygiene habits.

  • Replace their toothbrush every three months.

  • Brush your child’s teeth, don’t leave it to them, until your dentist gives you the green light.

  •  Hype your baby up. Don’t let the trip to the dentist be a surprise. Let them know the days and weeks leading up you’re going to the dentist soon to check on their pearly whites. It will be fun and they’ll get a prize at the end.

Hopefully the next check-up won’t be as traumatic lol. It’s things like taking my child to the dentist that really make me feel like somebody’s mama.

Have you taken your child to their first dental visit? How did they do? Let’s talk about it.

Love ya, Mean it,
