Dear Mama

“Ain't a woman alive that could take my mama's place”

“Mama”, as my daughter so affectionately calls me is my favorite word these days. It’s so sweet to hear her little voice call the name mama, over and over, even the 100th time lol. The word mama makes me smile because of the mama’s in my life that have sweetened, strengthened and polished the meaning for me. My own mama has dedicated countless hours to three children. She is the most beautiful woman I know and I appreciate how she poured into us! You hear me?! POURED! My grandma was selfless and gentle, yet strong and mighty and could make anyone feel whole. My aunts and bonus moms have loved and cared for me as their own and my mama in love (mother in law) shows me a respect and friendship that I cherish, one that is many times uncommon between a daughter-in-law and her MIL. 

These women have been my example and my village now that I have become a mom. I have no idea how they did it all or made it look like they did it all, growing up. Meanwhile, in current day we are all doing our best to keep all the laundry folded and the babies alive.

So on today, when we will be collectively celebrated I wanted to take the time to pen a letter to all types of mamas. 

The Single Mama- You’re a freaking rockstar. Whether by choice, death of a partner or end of a relationship, you have taken on this role with grace and grit! I know you and I am in awe of you. I applaud you, I celebrate you and I thank you for all that you do, all that you give and all that you are.

New Mama- Keep going. It’ll get better, it might get easier lol. Hold on to your little and enjoy all the snuggles while you can. Look to your village for help and don’t be afraid to ask for it.

Stay-at-Home Mama- The world has gained a new found respect for you, but I have known your strength since my days on maternity leave. Your selflessness is appreciated, your ability to multitask is admired and your sacrifice does not go unrecognized.

Step Mama- You have a unique role in your bonus children’s lives. Know that it takes a special level of care and tenderness and I applaud you for extending yourself to offer that.

The Working Mama- I see you trying to squeeze extra time out of your day to fit it all in. Family, Work and Self. It’s a challenge to navigate motherhood and family life, but I see you doing your best. I know it’s hard, but you are leading by example and instilling invaluable lessons into your children. Keep going!

Grieving Mama- As you balance between the aches of both joy and sorrow, may you do what ever is necessary to bring you the most peace!

Breastfeeding Mama- Your baby thanks you, but your nips are upset with you hence why they now hang low lol :)

The Mama Battling Infertility- I apologize for every time someone asks you when you’re going to have kids not knowing the silent battle you are enduring behind closed doors.  You are so much more than your infertility. Happy Mother’s Day to you.

The Childless Mama- Whether you are childless by choice or have not yet started your family, I want to wish you a happy Mother’s Day! You were the mothers who helped raise me. You were the ones I turned to when I couldn’t quite talk to my own mom. Thank you for being there. My mom also thanks you lol.

To the Mama who lost her Mama- My heart breaks for you as you and this everlasting pain. As you remember the woman who made your world go round, may the grace of God bring you comfort in all the memories you shared.

 The Imperfect Mama- I know you because I am you. Give yourself a break!

My Mama- I am indebted to you. Thank you for all our sacrifices- physically, emotionally, and monetarily. By having a child, my love for you has grown more than I knew it could. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.

So Mama’s, no matter what season you’re in, I want to personally say Happy Mother’s Day, you’re amazing.

Love Ya, Mean It.

